SPREP PDP Online - Performance Development System


  1. To access the PDP system, click on this link:  https://pdp.sprep.org
  2. Login using the same username and password you use to login to your SPREP account
  3. Your PDP should appear (if you are a supervisor, you should see PDPs for all staff reporting to you)
  4. To start your Plan, click on the UPDATE prompt on the far right relating to your PDP.


  • For the Plan – This is where you set out your targets for the year. You are only required to complete Parts 1, 2 and 3.
  • If you are unsure of activities please discuss with your Supervisors. Face to face discussions between the staff and the supervisor remain an integral part of the process even though this is completed online. Please make the effort to initiate discussions. This is your PDP.
  • For the Mid Year Review - The mid year review is to check and comment on progress of your activities for the first 6 months of the year and see if activities for the remaining part of the year are still achievable or do we need to make changes. Note that a key aspect of the Mid-Term Reviews includes the section on FEEDBACK TO SUPERVISORS. You will complete Parts 1,2,3 and 6.
  • For the Annual Review – You are required to outline and provide an update on the status of your activities for the year, you are also required to do ratings
  • If the link or log in does not work, please alert your HR team or Ainsof of SPREP IT.
  • On the first page of your PDP you will note there are ICONS. These will guide you in the completion of your PDP and which sections require your input.
  • You do not have to complete your PDP all at one go; you can do some sections, SAVE and come back at a later time to complete.
  • Pay attention to email exchanges the system sends - these are prompts to you and your supervisor/Director to complete your part.  It also shows progress and next step required.
  • Planning well ahead of time is very important.  Your Directors/Supervisors also need time to comment on your PDPs and have discussions with you so do not leave it to the last day – the clock on the PDP homepage gives you an indication of how much time is left to complete your PDP.
  • The PDP Online system can be accessed from outside of SPREP with a normal internet connection.
  • After the deadline, you will only be able to view your PDP - updates and edits will be disabled.

PDP Online

Use your SPREP login details to login to the PDP Online. Once HR have loaded your details into the system you will be able to start updating your PDP.


Due date:
5pm , 31st March 2025
Samoa local time (GMT+13)
PDP closes in:
Days Hours Mins Secs

Once the due date is reached you will no longer be able to fill in your PDP.

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